End-to-End and On-Demand Cloud Connectivity

Console Connect by PCCW Global and Stateless have joined forces to make it easier for enterprises to manage, control and access their direct cloud connectivity to major cloud providers worldwide.

Console Connect’s footprint + Stateless software enables easy access to clouds, remote workers, branch offices, edge locations, and data centers.


Get the Software.

Contact Stateless to access the software.


Select the Places You Want Your Data to Go

Select from a variety of endpoints to connect - cloud, internet, branch offices, etc.


Press Go!

Use Console Connect & Stateless automation to your advantage. Build connections in minutes.

Why Use Console Connect + Stateless

Eliminate the network as a barrier to data science and growth by leveraging the vast and highly automated network of Console Connect.

Software defined cloud interconnect Providers

  • Ability to reach cloud service providers
  • APIs to set up network connectivity
  • Connectivity to branch offices
  • Broad reach - major cities - low latency
  • No routers or firewalls to configure
  • Full automation of end-to-end data flows
  • Pay only for getting your data from point A to point B. No incremental nickel & diming for network links, functions or devices
  • Full self-service + Full API control
  • Additional access to all of PacketFabric's other services

Service Providers

  • Ability to reach cloud service providers
  • APIs to set up network connectivity
  • Connectivity to branch offices
  • Broad reach - major cities - low latency
  • No routers or firewalls to configure
  • Full automation of end-to-end data flows
  • Pay only for getting your data from point A to point B. No incremental nickel & diming for network links, functions or devices​
  • Full self-service + Full API control
  • Additional access to all of PacketFabric's other services


  • Ability to reach cloud service providers
  • APIs to set up network connectivity
  • Connectivity to branch offices
  • Broad reach - major cities - low latency
  • No routers or firewalls to configure
  • Full automation of end-to-end data flows
  • Pay only for getting your data from point A to point B. No incremental nickel & diming for network links, functions or devices​
  • Full self-service + Full API control
  • Additional access to all of PacketFabric's other services

“Managing end-to-end cloud connectivity is a real challenge for DevOps teams worldwide. By combining the Stateless API Router with Console Connect as the cloud fabric provider, we transform how DevOps teams can provision, manage and experience cloud connectivity."

- Paul Gampe, CTO at Console Connect by PCCW Global.